Strategic Outlook 2020

Strategic Outlook 2020 - The New Political Risks - a global forecast for those whose decisions and responsibilities hinge upon geopolitical and strategic security risks.


Strategic Outlook 2020 is Risk Advisory’s sixth annual forecast for security and intelligence leaders in global businesses, governments and international organisations.

The Outlook conveys the joint assessments of Risk Advisory’s regional and thematic intelligence analysts. It contains more than 300 forecasts on a range of issues relevant to security, crisis and geopolitical risk across every region.

Intended to be a practical working document, the Outlook also provides early warning indicators to watch through 2020. It flags outliers to challenge assumptions and encourage anticipation of higher-impact surprise events. And it provides thematic analysis across different regions to help readers interpret and predict intentions, actions and outcomes in 2020.

Produced primarily for Risk Advisory’s Security Intelligence & Analysis Service (SIAS) clients, the Outlook is essential reading for anyone concerned with and making decisions about geopolitical and security risks and how to manage them.

To read our political and security forecast, click on the link below:

Summary - Who should read the Strategic Outlook?

A comprehensive outlook for decision-makers

The Strategic Outlook is primarily for those tasked with managing risks in global corporations. Our Security Intelligence and Analysis Service (SIAS) presents security and crisis-related forecasts that give clarity on the current geopolitical landscape.

The Strategic Outlook 2020 contains
  • Trend Indicators:  These are net judgements on whether we expect – on balance – security and political risks to grow, stabilise or lessen over the course of 2020.
  • Regional keynote:  Each regional section highlights the themes and trends that we think will define and shape events in the coming year. These contain specific forecasts but also aim to serve as a lens through which to interpret and anticipate the causes and impacts of risks in 2020
  • Infographics:  We use a variety of infographics to illustrate our assessments, the basis of our ideas, causal relations and ensure the overall outlook is easy to grasp and succinct
  • Forecasts:  These convey specific forecasts on important issues not covered in the regional keynote assessments and aim to capture the most probable priority risks and developments.
  • Outliers:  These convey specific forecasts on important issues not covered in the regional keynote assessments and aim to capture the most probable priority risks and developments.
  • Monitoring points:  Early warning indicators to watch. They are specific information points or developments that we flag to help readers track whether our forecasts in the regional keynote are on their way to realisation or taking a different trajectory.
An insight into our Strategic Intelligence & Analysis Service (SIAS)

SIAS provides global businesses and international organisations with a protective and strategic intelligence capability. SIAS delivers actionable, forward-looking intelligence for security and crisis management decision making, planning and operations. Click here to read more.

Strategic Outlook editions

The Strategic Outlook has been running for a number of years. Please take a look at our other editions to see how they compare;

View Strategic Outlook 2020

View Strategic Outlook 2020

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